Friday, July 9

surreal friday afternoon

Well. Slept at 5am; Up at 11.

Lesson Learnt: Dont attempt to do your nails + fix the printer + print other stuff + chat = Up late, + pretty good 1st attempt at French Manicure. *hhmmm*

Was supposed to be in school for orientation, missed most of it.
I did make it to school, and had this burnt "beef" hor fun. It was kinda burnt, and the beef was almost beef. You could mistake it for.... lamb?
Lesson Learnt: Dont eat in SIM.

So I manage to get my stuff and signed up for CCAs and all that. Feeling quite excited that school will start... soon enough.. Might as well enrich my life with everything but the good grades. And THANK GOODNESS I GOT THE CAR!
Lessons Learnt:
1 Always drive to school when you can. You never know how much shit you have to take home. A walk a busride, a waiting for more busses and a further 10minute walk home under the sun is..... NOT ACCEPTABLE with 1KG+ worth of load, and a small purse the size of your wallet to help!
2 You can chat with the student council people who planned the orientation, smile your way through get away with skipping the activity all together. Grab the Email address of they guy who seems to be some bigshot in the council (well, he offered) and say, "Thanks, I'll email you... No Thanks, I don't need your number *smile*"

on the way home.. Jasmyn in the car. She LAUGHED AT ME! *grumble*wumble*grumble*
cf: "(draggy) waaaahhh... *pause* Sttuuuppiiidd EdioT"
J: "*giggle* How come you curse.. So Slow wan?! *hahahah*"
cf: (to make up for the embarassment - uh huh -) "But I'm especially slow at almost anything. Like when someone falls down, I first get a shock, and 3 secs later then I help"
J: "*HAhahAHhAHahHAHAH*"
- I feel mildly insulted that I can't curse properly on the roads. So I told her abt my siblings berrating me whenever I curse on the roads, which i CAN DO SUFFICIENTLY WELL!

Siblings: AAAAHHHH JJJJJJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII AAAAAAHHH (taken from that ch8 retro drama).. -yada yada whatever comes to their minds yada yada-"

oh, and to merge 2 of the above: transport to activity. 2 different issues. I like activity. I hate the bus. So I end up dreaming (literally) that I'm at the activity.. without taking the bus. :D Unless I find really nice friends who'd send me home every other day.. *URGH* DREAD PUBLIC TRANSPORT THAT TAKES HOURS.

But what was really surreal about friday afternoon...
I came home and put on the Mean Girls DVD. I was brain-dead. That show is so true, yet not. You KNOW that these are issues people grapple with, yet it seems so far fetched.

Pause for a Movie review: I guess $6.50 may be a lil too pricy for all its worth. Its predictable. Farfetched Honest Issues - hhmm. If you're not fussy and you like the movies (like me), then its a 2 out of 5 show to watch. Its ok, seriously.

So I watch, and I refect on my teenage years. I can't say I was Miss Popular, Nerdy, or Sports Club's butch-lesbian Team Captain... But I saw the situation(s) that were/are Uniquely Singapore...
eg. Ahlians - You either like'em, or dislike'em. If you like'em, you're one of them. If its the latter, you're just putting up a front coz its more like "Ahlian Secret Fan Club", and dress a lil different from them, and thus becoming substandard ahlian (!?!?!?!??!).

Ok, so i'm not quite making sense. I've got too much in my head, and it never comes out right.
A conversation, just:
1: what;s there to blog i dont understrand. how some people have so much to say hahaha
cf: i have ALOT TO SAY. its all in the head then when i want to say, nothing comes out.
1: miss thinkalot
- Ok, I scratch my head -

SEE, I digress.. what was I saying....... Oh, Surreal Friday Afternoon!

My sis called half way through the movie. Her lesson was cancelled and so.. "hi chinfee jiejie, where are you? can you come and pick me up, like now".
So I stopped the movie, and hopped into the car with all that bitchfest thing going on in my head. The Sun was really bright. And everything was THERE. STARK. OPEN. Yet, you know that there are other things at play..
- The sun reflects light into your eyes via a window on the 5th story. You see a bright burst of light. In that split second, you brush it aside. Get annoyed for 2 seconds. Then, you think nothing more of it. But in your mind's eye, it doesnt occur to you that something else is going on behind that window.

We are that blind to the world. No amount of fantabulous newscasters are going to help you *SEE* unless you want to see it.

Same difference. You will be a bitch. You're not going to realise that unless you want to accept it.

ok, honestly, my thoughts were so intertwined, this isnt even 10% of it.

And I have no idea what I'm talking about. I hope you can make some sense of it? And enlighten me.

Hey, Thanks!

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