Sunday, March 6

fuzzy wuzzy logic

something weird is going on.

something in the sand? stars? sea?
i mean, stars...

The link is to an astrology website supplied by JY, a fellow scorp, who told me a week ago, that this was the ONLY site he trusts.
"since when?" I asked ; "since last year (thereabouts)" he replies.
So i think "probably not too bad"

I read it - right about a quarter of the page, and i give up.
and I chuck it to the inner recesses of my mind... and also my "Favourites" list, just in case I get into the "stars, please tell me my future" mood.

.. in comes today. 6th march.

* general day events: performance at suntec. lunch at marche. hung ard at Jitterbugs for a while. Walked a bit ard Suntec to kill time before a movie - I wanted to get a pair of slippers, but ended up getting a pair of fantabulous SHOCKING PINK faux leather heels! ~how exciting~
Movie was so enjoyable. I miss watching movies.. :(
HITCH: like a basketball game. fast; dodge here dodge there, ready steady SHOOT SCORE!
then homeward to a a damn yummy meal.. Kong bak, fried bread, veges, Threadfin Fish in soup gravy, seafood soup - made up for yesterday.

So now i type.

What is it with today? from the stroke of midnight.. I couldnt sleep. Te night was filled with random thoughts - some negligible, most, just nonsense. And I blogged, alot, apparently.

skim thru to note the "theme". no prizes for guessing.

Anyway. I manage to nap a couple of hours before waking up and rushing to suntec for the Celebrate Women - North East CDC (yes, had to add this in for effect).
blah blah blah, thru my day as mentioned earlier.

nows the fuzzy wuzzy logic. think along the themes of the night's entries.....

And then, I walk into Charles and Keith.
i see the slippers i've been eyeing. I ask to try. I wait. It is very crowded.
I hear my name being called - its not anyone that was accompanying me - it was ex-boyfriend, D. O_o :S :p

whatever. not that I have anything against my ex-s. They're a fine bunch, or so I hope (haha, ok, joking).. of all days, I had to be running on 2 hours of nap, and since i was too lazy to change out of my dance costume, I looked odd.

so i bump into a past love.

yada yada, my day goes on with a fantastic movie about LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS. ~*wow*~ You wouldnt say~!
I liked it anyhow.
couldnt help but associate some pple with the characters...
will smith, "tall dark and handsome, Hitch - a smooth talker" is cute, still. How hez matured since Fresh prince days.... OOPS, I digress.

So i'm home. I'm online. some funny twisted turn of events. I'm onto my ICQ to suss out an old "poem" i still have on my "about me"... (JY asked abt this word "FIE"). I see some small blinky thing... and its a msg from someone NOT on my list.


*me thinks* okay.. whoz this sam msging me. I hardly get those pickup msgs on icq anymore - thanks to privacy options and the like.

"sam" the ex-bf as well.
(for those who are not in the loop - quick history: me, 2 exs. Sam~2ishyears before and into poly; D~sometime in yr3 poly. - and none so far after.)

WHAT IS THIS~ i'm getting freaked. I go back and read the astrology page.
It says so in the summary:
If you suddenly lose your interest in work, food, sleep, or any of your usual activities, then you'll know why. When love bites in March, it will have the power to transform you and your lifestyle.
OH NO, its happening! I've not slept much; aside from dinner when i was famished i didnt each much during the day.. .. and i'm going to sch tmr!

see, what did i tell you?

Current MSN Nick: chinchyebochupfee.blogspot : sucker for romance. // Scorps, This month is the LURVE month.. O_o

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