Saturday, August 6

Do I need a Man?

I've been preetty much contented with the way the r/ships aspect of my life has turned out so far...

a brief recount:
- Some weird-ass thing going on in sec school (no need to be splashed on blog.. okaay...)
In my HUMBLE opinion, I wouldnt consider it a full fledged BGR where both parties live for the future. We were just living in the then-present. Which was fun... On and off for a number of years..
Gee, didnt know i had the tenacity to hold out that long

- the 1st true 'bf' was essentially during my first 2 poly years....
One would deem it "an unhappy ending", but we've both since grown out of that :)
Aaahh, sweet suffering! It was the longest most time-consuming, emotional-sapping, blah blah blah gruelling experience I put myself thru, but you grow, and learn from there..

- The last r/s didnt turn out too well. Cant say we didnt try; I thought it better to nip things in the bud.

- Swingin (disclaimer: not literally like from tree to tree, nor in the sexual context so on and so forth; meant as Figure of Speech.) single since Feb2003! and yes, preetttyy much happy abt it.

So pple (like me, who are so boliao) who like to analyse these "luurrvvee" situations would often say
"Chin, you may be in denial"
- meaning to say that I'm denying myself the chance to fall in love again, and "be happy in love", by sticking to "I'm happy abt being single".

That may JUST be the case!

But I dare say I know thyself a tad bit better than you do - to put things into perspective.. Haphazardly BLUNT:
I AM quite contented with current arrangements. Pretty much the lil girl under mummy's roof - mum likes it that way, thou she'd prob REFUSE to admit it. But its always nice to have a man ard.... girls are more affectionate anyway....

Looking forward to building a family... (yes, its true)

"Don't Do to Others what You Don't want Done unto You." - I Don't Play Men. (disclaimer: i'm not les! :p ) A friend's nick that I saw earlier on MSN was "Dun Hate the Player..Hate the Game.." - I cant agree entirely... cant not agree with it either..but this is just food for thought.

I dont want to just pick the best suitor (pretty small pool anyway). I want to like, love and respect My Man for who he is, and not what he selectively shows me - refering to fellas who are always damn nice to girls... do all the sweet stuff, and then aft they finally win her over, become some fat arse-and-i-dont-have-to-tell-you-what-else.

He doesnt have to be tall, dark, rich, handsome (thou all would be mighty fine too) ;) but someone who can captivate my very short attention span - Are YOU Larger than life?

"once you commit - exclusively, you work your ass off to maintain r/s with each other's best interest" - Believe you me, I DO worry abt my future being squashed by un-loveable, inconsiderate duds...... .. ... .. or maybe you'd understand better if i put it this way: marriage, family must be happy. - Idealistic. Blame it on Walt Disney and his fairytale cartoons, namely Cinderella & Sleeping Beauty.

I've learnt not to believe too much in "compromising" - it can go overboard and become entirely USELESS. The key is Communication - communicating the "TRUE ESSENCE", and not just "The Right Way a.k.a. talking it out"

...uuummm..... & I've got to know what I really mean to him before I pledge anything else.. typical scorpio trait.. hahahaha

Same values. Same Principles. Or it wont work out

and then the further requirements in fine print: scribblescribblyscribblescribblescribblyscribblescribblyscribblescrib bles cribble scribblyscrib blescribblyscribblescribb lescribblyscribblescrib blyscr ibblescribbles cribblyscribblyscribble scribblescribblyscribblescribb ly scribb lescribblescrib blyscribblescribblysc ribblescribblescribblyscribble scri bblysc ribblescribblesc ribblyscribblescrib blyscribblescribblescribblescr ibbl y scribbl escribblyscribble scribblescribbles cribblyscribblescribblyscribblescribb l escrib blyscribblescribbl yscribblescribb lescribblyscribblyscribblescribblyscrib b lescri bblescribblyscribbl yscribblescri bblescribblyscribblesscribblescribblyscri b blescr ibblyscribble scribblyscribblesc ribblescribblescribblyscribblescribblyscrib b lescri bblescribbly scribblescribblysc ibblescribblescribblyscribblescribblyscribbl e scribb lescribblyscribblescribblyscribblescribblescribblyscribblescribblyscribblesc ribbles cribblyscribblescribblyscribblyscribblescribblescribblyscribblesscribblescribblescri b bly scribbl esscribblyscrib blescribblescribblyscribblescri bblyscribblescribblescribblyscribblyscribblescribblescribblyscr ibblesscribblescribblyscribblescribblescribblyscribblescribblysc ribblescribblescribblyscribblescribblyscribble


but I wont be looking... coz i believe in .... \(^_^)/FATE! \(^_^)/


aah.. i'll just simply go by instincts on this... my dear friends, there isn't any point brooding too much. :)

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