Friday, May 26

They got it right. is well known for their lil tests and what nots yeah.
So jean sent a link to me email under the guise of "A little Thursday Fun".

But the Impertinent question was: Are you ready to commit?

So ok la, 15 questions, they asked me.

And the results are DARN RIGHT!

cf, you're not fit to commit
because you're still looking.

Maybe you haven't met the right person. Maybe you're still curious about what else is out there. Maybe you're just on the prowl. Whatever the reason, you're just not ready to make a serious commitment...and your heart's not in it either.

And lemme tell you that the questions, if they had to refer to "the other half", ALWAYS referred to "the other half".
15 Loaded questions: only for those who are in relationships la.
Poor singles like me have no "A little Thursday Fun" because the test itself was Biased.


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