Monday, April 30

the $50,000 News..

So now we know.. the winners of The Dance Floor.. blah blah 1st reality dance show blah blah

Vas and Pris.
Hey, good work!
$25,000 EACH. can you imagine how many dance lessons i could go for... *dreams*

As much as they did a good job dancing to the $$, my personal votes go to Soul/ Platinum.
Street dancing is alot more versatile than.. O_o.. Hey, I would love to take ballroom classes, ok. Esp the Latin Category.
IMHO, IF the voters - i'm quite sure only a handful put in $, myself not inclusive - were not too in awe of ballroom - like we all don't know, its a small community with some Extra Cash - and also not too caught up in the whirlwind of romance about these 2 young'uns - its their private affair, right? - maybe, just maybe they'd have seen it a lil clearer, the talents of those who make up Soul Fusion and Platinum.

I'm not saying the winners don't deserve the win.. I kind of expected the top 5 to be the top 5. I'm just saying, we're easily swayed. Ha, its TV after all.

On an end note, Benji's performance, no doubt it was a performance, but it seemed a lil unrehearsed.. ya think? Ah well, he still pulled it off with alotta style ;) YAAAOOOWWWZER!

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