I feel like a mad woman trying to coordinate my stuff, and all the relevant timings.
ITS DAMN TOUGH when there is just not enough time.
Rush rush rush...
For example, this is my day, today:
- I've to slp as much as I can from now. Its bloody 2am, and a migraine is forming.And I probably have to cab all ard for the later part of the day.
- Wake up at 6am, take a morning walk. Its both to get my body clock into the SG time zone (I'm said to be on NY timezone, actually) and a weak opportunity to 'exercise'. SF and I are aiming to do that daily.....
*we'll keep you updated if we're still at it in a month or so :p
- Sch by 9am class (gotta get home to shower and breakfast and 45mins on the bus) to 1230.
- Rush home to shower (cos I wont reach home till 11pm- and thats a hopeful) and lunch, before work at 2.
- Take care of babies till 6pm
- Then rush to mediacorp for 630pm briefing: Hey, we got in the first round of the dancefloor competition. *duh - as SF put it, I didn't go to support that day coz I figured you guys will get in anyway* check out the ch5 website. we're at the bottom of the 1st page. and BC has a photo of him airing his armpits on the 2nd... *heeheehee*
Here's the bit on us if you're too lazy.. there were other friends/ aquaintences mentioned, I'll leave that to you to check it out..WHERE DANCE IS A HIT!
Yes, literally. Group Viva made up of two pairs of working professionals (no they are not a couple) often get themselves bruised and battered for the love for dance – especially salsa. But what was gasp-inducing was the way the girls were treated as human saucers and swung around on stage. It was so good, it hurt.
Group: Viva
Made up of: Poh Boon Cheong, 24 (Salsa Instructor & Graphics Designer); Eddie Lim, 24 (Technician); Evelyn Wang, 24 (Speech & Drama teacher); Chen Chinfee, 22 (Business student & part-time infant care teacher)
Dance genre for the auditions: Salsa
Calling salsa as their passion and forte, these two dance couples were originally part of a salsa performance team called Viva Salsa formed one and a half years ago. “From there the 4 of us decide to do it ourselves cos’ we have more flexible time.” Though they had only practiced for a month with a session per week (‘Our schedules is ridiculously tight but still better than the rest!’), their performance was sleek and smooth.So good it hurts… During their performance, the girls had to be swung around on the wooden floor of the stage like a spinning top. That was good but must have hurt as hell! Evelyn: “That’s called a whip lash. We got bruises lah during training for me. Because I’m very light so the guys will (gestured swinging motion) try me out first!” (laughs)
Chinfee: “The whip lash wasn’t exactly painful but if you do it for the first time it can be scary. What we didn’t like about this is that the stage is made of wood so it makes it harder for us to move and to swing.”
Guys have it better? Eddie: “I’ll get hit by her (points to Evelyn) lah. She’ll step on me and I’ll step on her. I’ll hit her nose. Evelyn: “Yeah, (my nose) very flat already!” Boon Cheong: “We get verbally abused a lot of times also. Any accident, it’s usually the guys’ fault. We hit their heads, we get scolded. Yeah, we are supposed to lead in salsa but in the whole team dynamics, it’s a lot more than just leading.”
Fear of wardrobe malfunction, girls? “Do we have double protection within our tops? No, it’s just this and double knots!” – Chinfee
- Hopefully that doesn't stretch too long, coz I gotta teach class @ymca, 830-10pm.
I'm already pooped*
Doesn't quite include workx2/ viva stuff/ wedding preps (nooooo, not my wedding..)/ physio....
how to fit in everything!!!!!
Its like, I have to rush to eat - and I eat faster than most people do already...
And.. rush to bathe.. OMG (don't even think about it...)
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