Monday, February 12

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Your February (2007) Horoscope by Susan Miller

Valentine's Day should be superb, thanks to the rendezvous of Venus with Mars on the day before, February 13. Both planets will be working hard to put you in a flirtatious mood and to put an interesting person in your path. If you've been dating, you should like how Valentine's Day works out.


On February 14, Venus will still be in your lucky-for-love sign Pisces, and Mars, one of your co-rulers, will be in poised in another compatible sign, Capricorn. Lovely! You may decide to take a little holiday in a nearby city, or simply go to a friend's party in the next town. Either would be a good idea. Also, you may find a heart stopping, romantic message in your mailbox (or receive a romantic text message) on this day. It looks like a valentine from an admirer or present partner will make you very, very happy!

... We'll see...

Current MSN Nick: "Better No sex, than Bad sex"- the Pragmatist

Maybe I should explain my nick..

The Feburary 2007 Edition of "her world" has Sealed section: SEX Secrets EXPOSED! and it included this article, one of quite a few interesting reads, "Bad sex or no sex?"

I'm not going to divulge what the writer mused over in the article.. but I certainly must say she had quite an insight - "I have decided that females are divided into idealists & pragmatists".

I Have to agree with this other statement that "Most pragmatists will tell you that they won't bother with anything less than the sexual equivalent of caviar. This usually means a blend of emotional attachment, high arousal and great technique, resulting in orgasms that rival the Big Bang. Preferably in multiples"

Its not because women have become more liberated, and are thinking more like men, or anything along those crap lines.. Its just that we know what we want, and we're not afraid to make such bold decisions. As long as I know I'm not nesting any spiders, I don't give 2 hoots if you think there're "cobwebs down there"..

To my male friends who might be feeling a lil' woozy right now, take heart, women are after all "emotional creatures".
(*duh* you always complain about that, ISN'T IT! - yew confused 2-faced slimeballs.. *hmph*)
Anyway, there are the "idealisting" kinds that rather bad sex than no sex, its Itimacy that they (we) go for. If you, the man "have gotten that far, means we must at least like you or, dare we say it, love you"

PS. ed's posted about one of the lil toys featured in this Sealed Section.. I so happened to have told him about it.. Thought if he wanted to get it (for someone), at least lemme have a look at the packaging *teeheehee*

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