Monday, February 12

The Perfect Boyfriend

So, its been some time.

Today, Jo asked
"so, when are you going making the trip down to BodyShop?"

(If you're wondering why we have such conversations, when I'm not quite the shopperholic@bodyshop - I have 20%disc up to end Feb, for me to splurge on a once off spree, and she's hitching on to it)

And, I reply nonchalently,
"this wed, probably"

"Oh, Valentine's Day!"

"..OH! *is it Valentine's Day?; It is...*"

Thus causing Miss Jo breaks into peals of girly giggles....

And so the story goes - I actually didn't realise it was V-day this Wed.


Here's for some cute laughs
(.. And wishful thinking)
Enjoy the flash

Current MSN Nick: "Better No sex, than Bad sex"- the Pragmatist

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