... i took with my nice 6300 during this period of silence...
was at work with the babies when i noticed this STUPID DRIVER who stopped right at the junction for a good 5-10minutes, ENTIRELY OBLIVIOUS to traffic ard him.
Most of you know i work the closing shift - i.e. 5-7pm when parents come to pick their kids up. Can you imagine what can happen with this traffic hazzard of a white vios? There are 4 childcares on this stretch of road, and that is the ENTRANCE!
The *toot* was actually looking at a street directory, and did NOT budge even thou may cars were passing in and out.
Pity i couldn't see the plate number.

was at work with the babies when i noticed this STUPID DRIVER who stopped right at the junction for a good 5-10minutes, ENTIRELY OBLIVIOUS to traffic ard him.
Most of you know i work the closing shift - i.e. 5-7pm when parents come to pick their kids up. Can you imagine what can happen with this traffic hazzard of a white vios? There are 4 childcares on this stretch of road, and that is the ENTRANCE!
The *toot* was actually looking at a street directory, and did NOT budge even thou may cars were passing in and out.
Pity i couldn't see the plate number.
One of those days... dinner at zamzam

Right: this is the zamzam circus man doing his balance- 1000-plastic cups-trick!

The Friday of the 3rd week of September
Some of us SherryTreeFriends salsa peeps were at colin's for a get together (that he owed us *snigger*, for cheering the loudest for him so we could share the prize of RUM)
and so no prizes for guessing how some of us entertained ourselves.. ; if only i were a mahjong-goddess, i'd have won with these tiles! someone beat me to it!
The latest trend of the Chen household!

He decidedly brought home (secretly) some of the fish he was keeping in school. And along with them he bought a couple of new tanks and some fish.
Since then, I've been going with him to buy fish.
The latest tank landscape was done by moi (with whatever that was available,i must add)
(ok la, sorry lah. I know its blur - lousy cam.
It's meant to be a phone, after all.)
Current MSN Nick: i've finally updated chinchebochupfee
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